So yesterday I decided to get my baking head on and make these super quick and simple cornflake cakes. As most of you probably know, I'm an Erasmus student in Germany and yesterday there was a welcome meeting for all of the new people starting here for the summer term. The only request was to make something.. and seeing as I'm no Nigella, these seemed to be the perfect solution!
They are so quick and easy to make, and I'm pretty sure most people will know this recipe from childhood!
You will need:
50g butter
100g chocolate
3tbsp golden syrup
100g cornflakes
mini eggs optional
(I used triple the amount of ingredients as I wasn't sure how many cakes the original recipe would make and I knew I needed a lot. With trebled ingredients it made around 20 cakes.. and I may have accidentally eaten 3 or 4 before actually taking them to the meeting)
Melt the butter, chocolate and syrup in a saucepan on a very low heat (careful not to burn the chocolate) and then simply tip the cornflakes in and stir. When all the cornflakes are covered, place the mixture into cake cases, add the mini eggs and leave in the fridge for a few hours to set and voila.. the perfect easter treat!
I actually couldn't find golden syrup here in Germany so I settled for the next best thing I could find which was some kind of caramel syrup and it worked perfectly. A yummy bundle of chocolatey, caramel, deliciousness!
They went down an absolute storm and I was getting praise left, right and center! *winning*
so jealous of the milka mini eggs! we don't get them here in the netherlands, which is a shame when you're missing the cadbury ones as much as i am! i made cornflake cakes for the dutch once and they kept asking me how to make them :/ they'd never seen them before, i felt like a fraud! x